2-Wire Programmable In-Head Temperature Transmitters
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Measure And Test offers 4 unique temperature transmitters which can be used in our Temperature Sensor Enclosures. Available In the following outputs:
- 4-20 mA HART 5 (RTD and Thermocouple)
- 4-20 mA HART 7 (RTD and Thermocouple)
- 4-20 mA (RTD and Thermocouple)
- 4-20 mA (RTD Only)
Temperature transmitters are used to convert relatively weak thermocouple or RTD output into a stronger analog (4-20mA or HART) signal output.
he Transmitter acts as a bridge between the temperature sensor and the control device. By using a transmitter you can avoid long runs of expensive thermocouple wire and you can extend the distance the signal can be sent.